National Whipped Cream Day...You Know What That Means...

When we found out that January 5th is National Whipped Cream Day, we knew exactly what we had to do...
Bring back our fan-favorite Whipped Cream Cookie! When I say people stocked up on this one, I'm talking 3 or 4 dozen per order. You don't want to miss this...
To celebrate, we are adding our Whipped Cream Cookie to the menu forĀ 24 hours only & as the Baker's Dozen cookie in all orders placed TODAY (01/05/2022). It will also be available in store, today only, in a very limited quantity!
Also, do not forget that our Sea Salt Chocolate Truffle cookie is still on the menu for the next 5 days.

Name a better combo? I do not think that is possible.... SO RUN!

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