It's a question I ask myself when I am personally choosing a small business to buy from.I can spend my well-earned money anywhere, but when it comes to small businesses, I choose to spend my money where I can feel good about what and who I'm supporting.
So today I want you to know who and what you are supporting when you buy a cookie crate (or three ha)!
- Did you know when you purchase from bakeries that ship online most often that dough or those cookies have been frozen? Sitting in a freezer, created at a previous date just waiting for someone to order them where they are then pulled out and packed and shipped to you. Yeah... I didn't either until we started researching creating our business and found "flash frozen" on literally almost every site we came across.
- We knew we wanted to be different. It's logistically harder and obviously has it's perks and woes, but baking fresh to order from scratch was important to us. That's why we tell you that you can freeze our cookies for up to 3 months once you get them and they'll be perfect! Because they've never touched the freezer before then!
- We also don't add any additional preservatives to our cookies. They won't last all week on your countertop so eat them up! That's never been a problem for anyone :) also super handy to again... have a freezing option on your side.
- Another perk? You get a bakers dozen, not just a dozen. Who doesn't love FREE when it means one extra cookie!? Not to mention a surprise cookie in a flavor you didn't order!
- Additionally... we like to make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck. The whole package of 13 cookies, confetti a personalize note, free shipping was all great... but several months ago we decided to increase our cookies in size. They went from just under 2 ounces to 2.5 ounces! That doesn't sound like much until you start adding up the product and ingredients it takes and paying an employee to mix, bake, pack and ship them and then that type of increase cuts into profit. But we only want the best of the best! So bigger cookies it is!
- In addition we just want you to know that when you buy from The Cookie Crate you are supporting my family of 6 along with our 6 employees and their families. Every order is seen and touched by an intimate group of people. We gawk at the numbers, the support, and cheer on the success together!