News — Free Cookies

Locals, Last Chance to Get in on This Deal!

Locals, Last Chance to Get in on This Deal!

Today is the last Wednesday in October, which means it's the last chance for college students and kids 12 & under to get a FREE cookie or one FREE scoop of edible cookie dough! Students, don't forget your student IDs, and we'll see you in the shop!

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Locals, Don't Miss This Deal!

Locals, Don't Miss This Deal!

Every Wednesday in October, we are giving a FREE cookie to college students (please show college ID) and kids 12 and under! This is the perfect time to try that new flavor you've been eyeing or snag one of your all time faves! Plus, we offer free WiFi, have plenty of study space, and Blue's Brews Coffee is right outside our door. Sounds like the perfect study space or afternoon pick-me-up. We can't wait to see you!

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Welcome to The Two Bite Club!

Welcome to The Two Bite Club!

I'm going to tell y'all like I tell my children "two bite club!" AKA...don't knock it until you try it!Our Cornbread Cookie is definitely out there, but different in the best way possible! If I had a penny for everyone who said they weren't "lemon people" and then came back and recounted their words and raved over lemon sherbet! Or couch potato..."What!?" That's too much stuff in a cookie!" Then later comes back and apologizes saying it;s their new favorite, begging for it to come back on the menu!...or Eighty Beer!!! "Beer in a cookie? Gross!"...except it's a top seller...

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Listen Up!

Listen Up!

Every Wednesday in October, we are offering a FREE cookie to college students (please show your ID) and to children 12 and under! You heard that right! Every Wednesday, locally during business hours, come visit us for your after school treat! Use our free WiFi and table for studying for midterms...or taking a break from studying! Can't wait to see you and add some sweetness into your day!

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