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Jon Mills
Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice...
What could be cozier than grabbing our new Pumpkin Spice cookie and a warm mug of your favorite fall drink? We know you PSL-lovers are hardcore! Are you a pumpkin spice latte, apple cider, or hot chocolate fan? It's so hard to choose! Our fluffy, cloud-like Pumpkin Spice cookie blends the seasonal spices and slightly sweetened pumpkin flavor to remind you of your favorite time of year...*Click here to try our Pumpkin Spice cookie!
Jon Mills
Grateful to Gather
The pandemic reminded us just how much we love gathering our people and spending time together. I don't know about you, but for my family we usually gather around a table full of yummy food! The Cookie Crate is such a quick, easy, and intentional addition to any gathering. Long catch-up and meaningful conversations often happen while we're passing plates and enjoying our favorite treats. This year, add some cookies to your table! *Click here for our 2021 Fall Box!**Click here to build your own dozen!
Jon Mills
Tomorrow Is The Big Reveal!
Fall is my favorite time of the year. The nip in the air, the bright blue sky paired with the vibrant changing colors. GIVE IT TO ME! I wish it lasted longer than it did, but I'm truly grateful to live in Tennessee where we get to experience all four seasons in such depth.Autumn being my favorite season means there is an extra feeling of joy in this box for me personally.I wish I could see all of the looks on your faces and the tiny gasps when you finally get to see all of these amazing flavors included in...
Jon Mills
Peanut Butter Cookies
Sometimes we shed tears for those of you allergic to peanuts because you'll just never know what you're missing. No worries - there are plenty of other options for you on our site. But for those of you who CAN chow down on some PB cookies, you'll need some self control because ours are so freaking delicious you won't know how to stop devouring them! We created the perfect homemade peanut butter cookie recipe that isn't dry or crumbly. BTW, we offer them in a gluten-free and dairy-free option too!FYI our peanut butter cookies are soft in texture, but the...
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