News — Brand Deal

Business Series

Business Series

Just guess how many times I've read this questions, "how do you do it all?" in my DMs in the last 7 days. 18 times! I'm not even exaggerating! I DON'T and I'm ready to put that assumption to rest! But I'm also so eager to start sharing practical and tangible tips with you about life and time management and so much more that has helped my find rhythms and be productive without going into overwhelm!SO! Jon and I have decided to start a little business/life series where a couple times a month we sit together and bring some hopefully...

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Sharing is Caring

Sharing is Caring

I wish we had a solution of how NOT to have everyone in your household steal your cookies....sorry, we've got nothing. The aroma of made from scratch cookies is enough to have the neighborhood come running! But hey, sharing is caring right? Speaking of sharing - hey bloggers and micro influencers I'm talking to you! Our cookies are the perfect solution to that gift you've been looking for to send to brands as a thank you. I know when I was a blogger I would always send a thank you card to a brand for working with me because I...

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