News — Gingersnap
Jon Mills
Have You Thought About Santa Yet?
I cannot believe Christmas will be here in 17 days! It is approaching so quickly!Have you thought about what you are setting out for Santa? I know it can be stressful to arrange everything in a short amount of time. We are here to take that off your plate (pun intended 😉). Allow us to bake your cookies, and all you have to do is put them out on a plate with some milk in a glass for Santa to enjoy! I can assure you he (aka YOU) will enjoy the upgrade very much because who doesn't love freshly baked...
Jon Mills
Decisions, decisions....
After every box launch we know we can't let all these limited-edition flavors just go away. So, we put it up to you all! On Instagram, we will create a post for you to cast your vote... How in the world are y'all going to pick a flavor to stay when this box is over!? They're all too good!
Jon Mills
Happy December!
We are in full swing Christmas mode over here at TCC! Having so much fun watching your orders rolling in for our new Limited Edition Christmas box! We have begun shipping your orders earlier this week, and they are starting to arrive!It's always so rewarding hearing how much you enjoy seeing these boxes when they release. Our team works so hard to create something you will love, and we just know this box is wayyyyy up there!Have you ordered or pre-ordered yours yet?Local friends please don't forget to call ahead to reserve your box each day because we do sell...
Jon Mills
Now Shipping Christmas Boxes!
150+ orders out today 🤯👏🏼 You heard that right! The entire team KICKED BOOTY baking and fulfilling and we are so proud! More shipping this week ahead of us! Check your email for tracking… stalk your mailman… happy mail is on its way 🍪📦🎄
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