News — New Year
Jon Mills
Start Off 2022 The Sweet Way!
Did you hear the news!?
We're starting off 2022 with a yummy addition to our menu! Salted Chocolate Truffle is back and just waiting to be added to your Build My Own Dozen! This soft-baked, brownie-like chocolate cookie is dipped in delicious chocolate and topped off with just a liiiiiittle more chocolate!
Y'all are always asking when we're bringing more chocolate to our menu, and she is officially here! But, only for a limited time. *Click here to stock up!
Jon Mills
Everything in Moderation
This one is for all of you thinking about cutting out all of the good things in life in a few days...
My advice...that mentality is not sustainable at all. Savor the things you love and that bring you joy, just enjoy them in moderation!
Except our cookies...they should come with a label that reads, "good luck to you!"
Jon Mills
Something Sweet Is Coming Your Way...
With the New Year coming in just two days, you know that we have to do something FUN! It just seems right to ring it in with a sweet surprise...I know you are going to want to check your email and have post notifications for Instagram on for this one. Based on the DMs and emails we receive, we think this will start 2022 in the best way!! Oh, and speaking of surprises... Go checkout the killer giveaway happening on Instagram! Maegen is giving away $500 worth of her favorite things, and there will be 16 winners who will each...
Jon Mills
New Year, New Planner!
The team over at The Cookie Crate is a liiiiittle organization obsessed. Okay, a lot obsessed. Every team meeting includes us all flipping through pages and pages of our planners, perfectly placing reminder stickers, and highlighting in at least 3 different colors. January is our favorite time of year because we get a fresh new planner to fill with all our big Cookie Crate ideas! Maegen uses The Day Designer. It has schedule breakdowns all the way to the hour! And it comes with plenty of extras like daily gratitudes, goal worksheets, and to-do lists with check boxes. Hailey, our...
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