News — The Cookie Crew

We Are Hiring! 🎉

We Are Hiring! 🎉

We are looking to fulfill our Director of Customer Service position. This job is full time Monday - Friday 10am - 6:30pm In person, not remote. No weekends. Paid off on federal holidays. And yes, you do get to eat cookies! We are looking for someone who is kind, outgoing, patient, attentive to detail, self motivated and just enjoys working with people! This job requires answering all customer service emails, live chats, phone calls and corporate client relationships. As well as working in the fulfillment room to complete orders and assist customers in our walk in! If this sounds like...

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5 Workspace Musthaves

5 Workspace Musthaves

After almost 3 years online and almost 1 year in our storefront, we have gotten our routines down pretty well! There are a few items that make our everyday processes run even smoother, so we thought we would share those with you... Sticky NotesI cannot even begin to guess how many sticky notes we go through in a day! From organizing orders to leaving messages to taking notes on a phone call, we use them for literally everything. Dry erase calendarsWe have 2 big, magnetic monthly dry erase calendars in our fulfillment room, and we check them at least 50...

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New Year, New Planner!

New Year, New Planner!

The team over at The Cookie Crate is a liiiiittle organization obsessed. Okay, a lot obsessed. Every team meeting includes us all flipping through pages and pages of our planners, perfectly placing reminder stickers, and highlighting in at least 3 different colors. January is our favorite time of year because we get a fresh new planner to fill with all our big Cookie Crate ideas! Maegen uses The Day Designer. It has schedule breakdowns all the way to the hour! And it comes with plenty of extras like daily gratitudes, goal worksheets, and to-do lists with check boxes. Hailey, our...

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Full Tables & Full Hearts

Full Tables & Full Hearts

This holiday season has been long awaited. We had a lot of making up to do for all the events we missed in 2020! It has been so sweet to see our cookies included in your family gatherings, and to be included in those memories is an honor! This is a big part of why we do what we do. Bringing people together and sharing in the all the moments, big and little. Thank you for including us in your holiday season and supporting our small business. We can't wait to continue to serve you all in 2022!

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